
eProsecutor Online has the following two add-ins for Microsoft products that you can download and install:

To access the add-ins, navigate to Left navigation  Tools  Downloads and select Word Add-in or Outlook Add-in.

Word Add-in example

Word add-in

Use the Word add-in to:

  1. Uploads documents to cases, which adds new cases or overwrite existing cases.

  2. Open, create, and save RTF templates using the Template Fields defined in eProsecutor Online.

  3. Create and update tentative rulings.

These options show in the JTI section of the Word ribbon:

Word Add-in example

Outlook add-in

Use the Outlook add-in to save an email and/or its attachments to a Case. These options show in the JTI section of the Outlook ribbon:

Outlook Add-in example