Voucher receipts

This is a check writing report you can use to print vouchers. For more information about creating disbursement vouchers, refer to the Disbursing restitution section of the Restitution page.

To select this report for check printing:

  1. Navigate to Left navigation  Financial Setup  Bank.

    Left navigation with the Bank option highlighted
  2. Click a bank name to open the Edit Bank Account form.

    Bank screen
  3. Click the Setup for check printing section to expand it.

  4. Click the Check Writing Report dropdown, then select Voucher Receipts.

    Setup for check printing

Report breakdown

The report includes identical summary sections at the top and bottom of the page with the check information in the middle.

Sample Voucher Receipts report


Summary section of the Voucher Receipts report

The summary section includes:

  1. The payee and amount of the attached check.

  2. The payor name.

  3. The case number.

  4. The sum of all restitution amounts on the case.

  5. The total unpaid balance of all restitutions on the case.

  6. The sum of all payments made on all restitutions on the case.

This restitution information can be found in the Restitutions section of the Case Ledger Folder View in the Financials tab for a case.

Restitutions section of the Financials tab in a Case Folder View

Check details

Check details section of the Voucher Receipts report

The check section includes:

  1. The dollar line, where the check amount is presented long-form with words instead of numbers.

  2. The printed date of the check.

  3. The dollar amount box where the check amount is presented in numerals.

  4. The payee name and address.