Case status flow

This report shows the progression of Cases through different statuses. It shows how many Cases start at each status and how many transitioned between statuses. It shows the time spent in each status and the overall Case duration. Click the # Cases column in the summary section to show a Case details sub report listing the associated Cases.


Case Status Flow parameters

Use the Received From and Received To fields to show Cases with a received date between those dates, inclusive. Use the Case Type field to show Cases with that type.

Received From

Defaults to the first day of the previous quarter.

Received To

Defaults to the last day of the previous quarter.

Case Type

Defaults to all Case types.


The report shows all statuses in which Cases entered the system. For each status, the report shows:

Case Status Flow sample report with markup
  1. Case status.

  2. The Case count per status.

  3. The average days Cases stay in each status.

  4. The average Case duration, in days.

Click the plus toggle icon next to a Case status to show the next statuses.

Case Status Flow with status expanded to show next statuses

You can expand each status until Cases reach their current status.

Case details

The detail section shows the following information about each Case included in a status step:

Case Status Flow details showing Cases included in a status
  1. The Case identifier.

  2. The Case type.

  3. The date the Case entered the system.

  4. The date the Case entered the status.

  5. The date the Case exited the status. This is blank when the Case status is current.

  6. The days between the Entered Status and Exited Status dates, inclusive. With no Exited Status date, the days between the Entered Status and the current date. Empty when the Case has the Closed category.

  7. The days between the Received Date and Exited Status dates, inclusive. With no Exited Status date, the days between the Received Date and the current date. When the Case has the Closed category, the days between the Received Date and the Entered Status dates.

The Case, Case Type, and Received Date values show in the header of the Case Folder View.

Header section of the Case Folder View

The history of Case statuses shows in the Case Status History section of the Summary tab in the Case Folder View.

Case folder view with Case Status History section visible in the Summary tab