Directory off-time

Off-time is a way to track when a Directory Person is off of work. This may include sick leave, schedule vacation, or other reasons.

To view or schedule off-time for a Directory Person, navigate to Left navigation  System Administration  Directory  People.

The System Administration menu in the left navigation menu with an arrow pointing to People

After navigating to the Directory Person Search screen, enter the criteria for the individual you are trying to find (1), click Search (2), then click the name of the individual:

Directory Person search screen with number 1 next to search criteria, number 2 next to the search button, and number 3 next to a search result

View and add off-time

After clicking a name, the Directory Person Edit screen shows. Click Off-Time to view and manage off-time for the person:

Directory Person screen with the Off-Time tab selected and an arrow pointing to the Add Off-Time button

To add Off-Time for the person, click Add Off-Time. The following dialog shows:

Add Off-Time dialog

Fill in the information for when the off-time is scheduled, then click Add. The new entry shows on the Off-Time tab.

Off-Time shows on the calendar for that Directory Person.