VOCA report

The Federal Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) report includes victimizations, special classifications, and services.

Add VOCA report items

To add details to a VOCA report:

  1. Open a Case.

  2. In the Victim dropdown, select VOCA Reporting, then the type of detail to add.

The VOCA Reporting option in the Victim dropdown in the Case Folder View

Click the Victim tab so show the Victim Folder View and the VOCA report details.


VOCA report parameters

Use the Start Date and End Date fields to filter the VOCA reported dates included in the report. Use the Show Details field to include links for Case and Person records in the report.

Start Date

Defaults to the first day of the previous month.

End Date

Defaults to the last day of the previous month.

Show Details

Defaults to False.


The first section of the VOCA report shows population demographics, including ethnicity, gender, age, and special classifications:

The Population Demographics section in the VOCA Report

The second section of the VOCA report shows direct services:

The Direct Services section in the VOCA Report