Case involvements

This report shows a list of involvements and justice personnel on a Case and their contact information.

Case Involvements sample report


Involvements are Persons linked to a Case. They show in the Involvements section of the Summary tab in the Case Folder View.

Case folder view with Involvements section visible in the Summary tab

Click the Person icon to show the Person Summary Folder View. This view shows the Name, address, telephone, and email of the selected Person.

Person Summary Folder View

Refer to Person for more information.

Justice personnel

Justice personnel are Directory Persons assigned to a Case. They show in the Justice Personnel section of the Summary tab in the Case Folder View.

Case folder view with Involvements section visible in the Summary tab

Click the Directory Person icon to show the Directory Person Summary Folder View. This view shows the name, address, telephone, and email of the selected Directory Person.

Directory Person Summary Folder View

Refer to Directory person for more information.