Digital signatures

Use digital signatures to sign documents without needing to print, sign, and scan them.

Create a stamp

The first step in creating a digital signature is to create a stamp. A stamp is an image that represents your signature:

  1. Scan your signature and save it as an image file. For best results, use a PNG file with a transparent background.

  2. Open the Directory Person for which you want to create a stamp.

  3. Click the Attachments tab.

  4. Click Add Attachment.

    A new row shows in the attachment table:

    A new Directory Attachment table row
    Figure 1. A new Directory Attachment table row.
  5. Fill in the fields:

    • Type: Select attachment type.

    • Caption: Enter a caption for the stamp.

    • Filename: Click Choose File and select the image file.

    • Stamp: Select to use the uploaded image as a stamp in the Document Viewer.

    • Resizable: Select to allow stamp resizing.

Using labels

Use labels to add text to a stamp. This is useful when text needs to be consistently added along with the stamp. For example, you could add the date and time to a date line.

  1. Open the Directory Person for which you want to create a stamp.

  2. Click the Attachments tab.

  3. Click + under the Labels field.

  4. Enter the text or template you want to use.

    Some examples are:

    • Date and time: $DateUtil.formatDateTime($now)

    • Users real name: $user.realName

    • Users directory person role: $user.dirPerson.personRoleLabel

    These template examples populate the field with the current time or values from the Directory Person.

    You can add multiple labels to the same stamp.
  5. Set the x and y page coordinates for the label.

The coordinates are relative to the top-left corner of the stamp.

Example stamp with labels to show coordinates
Figure 2. Example stamp with labels to show coordinates.
  • The x-coordinate, shown in red, is 0 at the top-left corner of the stamp and increases to the right.

  • The y-coordinate, shown in blue, is 0 at the top-left corner of the stamp and increases downward.

+ You may need to experiment to find appropriate coordinates to fit the stamp. You only need to complete this process once.

  1. Set the Font Size.

  2. Set the Font Color.

An example label configuration
Figure 3. An example label configuration.

Sign a document

Once you create a stamp, you can use it to sign documents:

  1. Open a document in the Document Viewer.

    1. Open a Case.

    2. Click the Filing Cabinet tab.

    3. Right-click a document and select DocView.

  2. Click Stamps & Signatures.

    The Stamps & Signatures button
    Figure 4. The Stamps & Signatures button.
  3. In the Stamps & Signatures area, click the stamp you want to use.

    The stamp name matches the Caption you set on the attachment.
  4. Click the location on the document where the stamp should show.

  5. Optional: move the stamp to the desired location.

  6. Optional: resize the stamp.

  7. Click Apply Stamps to finish signing the document.