Person summary

This report shows a summary of Person information including profile, address, telephone, email, identification, attributes, notes, relationships, financials, future events, and case involvements.


Profile section of the Person Summary report

The Profile section shows personal attributes for the Person, including their name, date of birth, age, ethnicity, gender, hair and eye color, height, and weight.

This information shows in the Profile section of the Summary tab in the Person Folder View:

Profile section of the Summary tab in the Person Folder View


Address section of the Person Summary report

The Address section shows one or more Addresses for a Person. Each Address includes the type, address, and status.

The Addresses show in the Address section of the Summary tab in the Person Folder View:

Address section of the Summary tab in the Person Folder View


Telephone section of the Person Summary report

The Telephone section shows one or more Telephone numbers for a Person. Each Telephone includes the type, number, and status.

The Telephones show in the Telephone section of the Summary tab in the Person Folder View:

Telephone section of the Summary tab in the Person Folder View


email section of the Person Summary report

The Email section shows one or more Email addresses for a Person. Each Email includes the type, address, and status.

The Emails show in the E-mail section of the Summary tab in the Person Folder View:

Email section of the Summary tab in the Person Folder View


Identification section of the Person Summary report

The Identification section shows one or more Identifications for a Person. Each Identification includes the type, number, and known effective dates.

The Identifications show in the Identification section of the Summary tab in the Person Folder View:

Identification section of the Summary tab in the Person Folder View


Attributes section of the Person Summary report

The Attributes section shows one or more Attributes assigned to a Person.

The Attributes show in the Person Attribute section of the Summary tab in the Person Folder View:

Person Attribute section of the Summary tab in the Person Folder View


Notes section of the Person Summary report

The Notes section shows the Notes for the Person.

The Notes show in the Person Notes section of the Summary tab in the Person Folder View:

Person Notes section of the Summary tab in the Person Folder View


Relationships section of the Person Summary report

The Relationships section shows the Relationships for a Person.

Relationships show in the Relationships tab in the Person Folder View:

Relationships tab of the Person Folder View


Financials section of the Person Summary report

The Financials section shows the sum of the amounts owed to and from a Person.

The sums show in the Financials tab in the Person Folder View:

Financials tab of the Person Folder View

Future events

Future events section of the Person Summary report

The Future Events section shows the future events linked to the Person.

Events show in the Events tab in the Case Folder View:

Events tab of the Case Folder View

Case involvements

Case involvements section of the Person Summary report

The Case Involvements section shows the Cases in which the Person is involved.

To search involvements for a Person:

  1. Navigate to a Person

  2. In the Summary dropdown, select Search Involvements.

    Search Involvements option in the Summary dropdown
  3. Optional: in the Involvement Type dropdown, select the desired type.

  4. Optional: in the Date Created fields, enter a date range.

  5. Click Search

Search Involvements screen in the Person Folder View