Case navigation

A Case Navigation screen:

The full case screen

The Case Header shows a lot of information and allows you to make quick updates to the case.

case header with numbered
  1. The Special Status Banner shows if there is a special status on the case being viewed.

  2. The Financials Banner shows if there is a balance on the case.

  3. The Charge and Case Number.

  4. The Case Name.

  5. The Case status linked to the Update form and sharebook button.

  6. Event and Attorney information:

    1. Received: the date the case entered the system.

    2. Next: the next scheduled event date.

    3. Attorney: assigned Prosecuting Attorney.

    4. Defense: defense attorney assigned.

  7. Widgets:

    • email icon The Send Email widget: opens an email popup.

    • case watch icon The Case Watch widget: adds this case to your watched cases list.

    • joined case icon The Joined Case widget: opens a popup that shows joined case information.

    • add note icon The Case Note widget: opens a popup window that allows quick adding of notes to the case.

Navigation buttons

Under the header is a row of buttons. Each button, when clicked, changes the data shown in the page Case Folder View. Most of the buttons have a dropdown beside it. The dropdown has a list of options to add or update data on the case.

navigation buttons

Case summary

The Case Summary dropdown

The Summary dropdown has options to update case information, add a special status or case number, or join cases.

  • Select Update Case Information to update the received date of the case, the case type, the case status, and the status date.


    All fields on this form are required for submission.

    update case info form
  • Select Add Case Special Status to add a special status to a case. The form has only two required fields, Status and Start Date. The other included, optional fields are Category, Value, and End Date. The Category and Status fields are dropdowns, so they show their available options when clicked.

    add case special status form
  • Select Add Case Number to add case numbers from other agencies, like courts or defense. These alternate case numbers facilitate case data sharing.

    add case number form
  • Select Join Case to manage Case Joinders. This form has two panels showing View and Add forms.

    join case form
    1. The Case Joinders panel shows Joinders associated with the case. A red icon shows next to the Joinder main case and a blue icon shows beside the current case.

    2. Click a Joinder link to edit the Joinder fields, Name, Joinder Type, Description, and Purpose.

    3. The Add Case Joinder panel creates a new Case Joinder associated with the selected case.

    4. Click Add Case to open a Search case popup.

Case involvement

Case Involvement dropdown
  • Select Add Involvement to add an existing/new person and involvement type, including Complainant, Witness, or Victim, to the selected case.

    Add Involvement form
  • Select Add Justice Personnel to add the case to the My Recent Cases gadget for the corresponding justice personnel.

    Add Justice Personnel form
  • Select Add Defendant to create a subcase and a party to the case. The subcase is added to aid financials.

    Add Defendant form
  • Select Add Bail to add Bail information and conditions for the selected case involvement.

    Add Bail form

Victim and VOCA reporting

victim dropdown menu
  • Select Add Victimization to add a victimization type to a victim. Adding a victimization type requires a victim in Case Involvements.

    add victimization form
  • Select Add Special Classification to add a special classification for a victim. The special classifications are used in VOCA reports.

    add special classification form
  • Select Add Service to record a service provided to a victim. The services show in VOCA reports.

    add services form


charges dropdown menu
  • Select Add Charges to add charge information to the involvement.

    Add Charge form
  • Select Add Plea Offer to add plea offer information to the involvement.

    Add Services form
  • Select Add Charge Characteristic to add a Case charge characteristic, like Misdemeanor or Felony.

    Add Charge Characteristic form
  • Select Add Charge Intoxicant to add an intoxicant to the selected individual.

    Add Charge Intoxicant form
  • Select Add Exhibit to document and track history.

    Add Exhibit form
  • Select Dispose Charges to dispose charges. Select the Plea and Disposition Type for each charge to dispose.

    Dispose Charges form
  • Select Sentencing to add a sentence to a charge, organized by count.

    Sentencing form


Event dropdown
  • Select Add Event to add a scheduled event, like a hearing, conference, or meeting, with related Involvements or Case Personnel.

    Add Event form

File cabinet

file cabinet dropdown menu
  • Select Add Case File(s) to add files for the Case by uploading or choosing to scan. Notes can be added to the file at the same time.

    add file form
  • Select Generate template to generate a document from a template.

    generate template form
  • Select Utilities to access these utilities:

    • Select Bates Stamp to apply a stamp to a document.

    • Select Merge Documents to merge documents in the Filing Cabinet into a single PDF.

  • Select Doc Viewer to use the Document viewer to show a Case document, annotate it, and apply stamps.


Discovery dropdown
  • Select Add Discovery Packet to add documents to a packet that can be shared for some time. Learn more about Discovery Packets and how to create them.

    Add Discovery Packet form


Financials dropdown


investigation dropdown menu
  • Select Add Investigative Request to add an investigative request to the Case.

    add investigative request form


tasks dropdown menu
  • Select Add Case Task to add a task to the Case. Case tasks show in the manual work queue for individuals added to the Assign To field.

    add task form


communications dropdown menu
  • Select Add Communication to document and store communication between case involvements.

    add communication form

Non-collectible financials

Non-collectible financials dropdown menu
  • Select Add Non-collectible Financial to document non-collectible financials not collected by this institution.

    Add non-collectible financial form

Case folder

The body of the Case page shows case data in panels, determined by the active tab.

Tab Description

The Case Folder shows:

  • Case involvements and involvement type.

  • Other case numbers attached to the case.

  • Justice personnel with their corresponding role in the case.

  • The Case status and another special status.

Use the Case Involvement Folder View to show case information about involvements, justice personnel, and bail, and to add or edit notes for individuals on the case.

Use the Victim Folder View to edit Case victims, special victim classifications, and services provided to victims.

Use the Charge Folder View to show Case charges of involvements, charge characteristics, sentencing, exhibits, and inactive charges, and to edit exhibits and charges.

Use the Event Folder View to show and edit Case events, date/time, category, related personnel, notes, and type.

Use the File Cabinet Folder View to show Case documents.

Use the Discovery Folder View to show Case discovery items.

Click Financials to show the Case Ledger, which shows recorded Case financial interactions.

Use the Investigation Task Folder View to show and edit the Case collection tasks.

Use the Case Tasks Folder View to show Case tasks.

Use the Communication Folder View to show and edit Case communications.

Use the Non-collectible Financials Folder View to show and edit the Case collections of non-collectibles.

Use the Report Folder View to show the Case Summary report by default. Other reports can be selected in the dropdown.

Send email widget

send email widget

Use the Send Email widget to send an email regarding the Case. Select Include Link to Case to include a link to the case in the email.

Joined case widget

joined case widget

Use the Joined Case widget to show cases related to the current case. Click the Case number or title to show the lead or related cases.

Case note widget

case note widget

Use the Case Note widget to search, print, edit, or add a Case note. The widget shows a paged list of notes added to a Case. The search returns a list of notes where the note title or body has the keywords. Click a note to edit it.

Sharebook widget

sharebook widget

Use the Sharebook widget to add informal notes to the case. An informal note only includes the note text, the creation date, and the author.