Subpoena process
Required conditions to generate a subpoena
Subpoenable Events: Events where witnesses are typically subpoenaed.
Subpoenable Parties: Parties that can be subpoenaed.
Subpoenable Case Assignments: Assignments that can be subpoenaed.
Update planning sheet
Start the subpoena process by clicking the Events dropdown arrow, hover over Subpoenas, hover over Subpoena Planning, and click Update Planning Sheet:
On the
Update Planning Sheet
screen, there are two ways to choose an event:-
In the
Event Types
dropdown, select one event type. -
Use the
Lookup List
next toEvent Types
to select multiple events.
Select the
Service Method
: -
Select the
Subpoena Type
: -
Type a note.
When the planning sheet is complete, click Save and Back: