Cases by status category

This report shows Cases with a current status matching the selected list of statuses.

Cases by Status Category sample report


Cases by Status Category parameters

Use the Case Type field to show Cases with that type. Use the Status category field to show Case Status options with that category. Use the Case status field to show Cases with that status.

Case Type

Defaults to all Case types.

Status Category

Defaults to Active.

Case Status

Defaults to Case statuses with a Category matching the Status Category field.

To set the Category of a Case status:

  1. Navigate to Left navigation  System Administration  Case Configuration  Case Status.

    Left navigation showing the Case Status option under the Case Configuration
  2. In the Category dropdown, select a category.

  3. Click Save.

Case Status Configuration screen with the Open status emphasized

Case details

Each Case shows the following details:

Cases by Status Category with reference numbers
  1. Case number.

  2. Name of the Case.

  3. Case type.

  4. Received date.

  5. Case status.

  6. Other numbers associated with the Case, if they exist. For example, a court docket number.

  7. Next event on the case, if one exists.

  8. Primary involvements. A Person is considered a primary involvement if their Case involvement type has a Category of Primary.

The Case #, Case, Case Type, Received, and Status show in the header of the Case Folder View.

The other numbers show in the Case Numbers section of the Summary tab in the Case Folder View.

The next event shows in the Future Events section of the Summary tab in the Case Folder View.

The involvements show in the Involvements section of the Summary tab in the Case Folder View.

Case folder view with Involvements

To set the Category of a Case involvement type:

  1. Navigate to Left navigation  System Administration  Case Configuration  Case Involvement Type.

    Left navigation showing the Case Involvement Type option under the Case Configuration
  2. In the Category dropdown, select the desired Category.

  3. Click Save.

Case Involvement Type Configuration screen with the category dropdown emphasized

Refer to Case involvements for more information.