Manage special statuses

Use the Manage Special Statuses screen to configure whether a Case Special Status, Person attribute, or Directory Person attribute is shown before the Case Header, Person Header, or Directory Person Header. You can also configure the background color for the Case special status, Person attribute, and Directory Person attribute. The screen shows links to the corresponding lookup lists at the top.

The Manage Special Status screen
Figure 1. The Managed Special Status screen.

Manage case special statuses

Case Special Statuses show in the Case Header to call attention to important case information.

The Case Special Statuses panel
Figure 2. The Case Special Statuses panel.
  1. Click to open the CASE_SPECIAL_STATUS_TYPE lookup list in a new browser tab.

  2. Select to show the attribute before the Case Header:

    A Case Special Status showing before the Case Header
    Figure 3. A Case Special Status showing before the Case Header.
  3. Click to set the status background color in the Case Special Status area.

Add a Case special status

  1. Navigate to Left navigation  System Administration  Manage Special Statuses.

  2. Click Lookup List link in the Case Special Statuses panel.

  3. Open a Case.

  4. Click the down arrow next to the Summary tab.

  5. Click Add Case Special Status.

  6. Set the special status by filling in the required fields.

  7. Click Save.

Set a special status to show in the Case Header Form:

  1. Navigate to Left navigation  System Administration  Manage Special Statuses.

  2. In the Case Special Statuses section, find the Case Special Status.

  3. Select Case Header.

  4. Optional: click the Color box to select a custom color.

  5. Click Save.

Manage person attributes

Person attributes highlight information about individuals. You can show Person attributes in the Person Header and the Case Header.

The Person Attributes panel
Figure 4. The Person Attributes panel.
  1. Click to open the PERSON_SPECIAL_STATUS lookup list in a new browser tab.

  2. Select Person Header to show the Person attribute before the Person Header:

    A Person attribute before the Person Header
    Figure 5. A Person attribute before the Person Header.
  3. Select (and) Case Header to show the Person attribute before the Case Header:

    A Person attribute before the Case Header
    Figure 6. A Person attribute before the Case Header.
  4. Click to set the status background color in the Case Special Status area.

Add a Person attribute

  1. Navigate to Left navigation  System Administration  Manage Special Statuses.

  2. Click Lookup List link in the Person Attributes panel.

  3. Open a Person.

  4. Click the down arrow next to the Summary tab.

  5. Click Add Person Attribute.

  6. Set the attribute by filling in the required fields.

  7. Click Save.

Set an attribute to show in the Person Header and Case Header

  1. Navigate to Left navigation  System Administration  Manage Special Statuses.

  2. In the Person Attributes panel, find the Person attribute.

  3. Select Person Header.

  4. Select (and) Case Header.

    If you do not show an attribute in the Person Header, you cannot show the attribute in the Case Header.
  5. Optional: click the Color box to select a custom color.

  6. Click Save.

Manage directory person attributes

Directory Person attributes highlight information about Justice Personnel. You can show Directory Person attributes in the Directory Person Header and Case Header. Directory Person attributes are useful when an individual needs to be tracked for Brady/Giglio alerts.

The Directory Person Attributes panel
Figure 7. The Directory Person Attributes panel.
  1. Click Lookup List link to open the DIR_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE lookup list in a new browser tab.

  2. Select Person Header to show the Directory Person attribute before the Directory Person Header:

    A Directory Person attribute before the Person Header
    Figure 8. A Directory Person attribute before the Person Header.
  3. Select (and) Case Header to show the Directory Person attribute before the Case Header:

    S Directory Person Attribute before the Case Header
    Figure 9. A Directory Person attribute before the Case Header.
  4. Click to set the attribute background color in the Case Special Status area.

Add, update, or delete directory person attributes

  1. Navigate to Left navigation  System Administration  Manage Special Statuses.

  2. Click Lookup List link in the Directory Person Attributes panel.

  3. Add, update, and delete Directory Person attributes as needed.

  4. Click Save.

Set an attribute on a Directory Person

  1. Navigate to Left navigation  Searches  Search Justice Personnel.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Open a Case.

  4. Click the Case Involvement navigation item.

  5. Click Directory Person icon next to the desired Justice Personnel.

  6. Click the down arrow next to the Summary tab.

  7. Select Update Directory Person.

  8. Scroll down to the Attribute section.

  9. In the Attribute field, enter the attribute name.

  10. In the Attribute Type field, select an existing attribute.

  11. In the Value field, enter a summary of important information related to the attribute.

  12. Optional: set the Start Date and End Date fields.

  13. Click Save.

Set an attribute to show in the Directory Person Header Form and Case Header Form

  1. Navigate to Left navigation  System Administration  Manage Special Statuses.

  2. In the Directory Person Attributes section, find the Directory Person Attributes.

  3. Select Person Header.

  4. Select (and) Case Header.

    If you do not show an attribute in the Directory Person Header Form, you cannot show the attribute in the Case Header Form.
  5. Optional: click the Color box to select a custom color.

  6. Click Save.

The attribute shows in the Case Header Form for every case the Directory Person is involved with. In the Case Header Form, the system shows the Attribute Type using the selected color. Click the paragraph icon for the notification to show a popup with the Attribute Type, Justice Person name, and the Value field.