Directory organization and other addresses

At the bottom of the Directory person screen, addresses can be associated with the person record. An Organization Address or Other Address can be added:

Directory Person screen with arrows pointing to the Organization Address panel and Other Addresses panel

Organization addresses

An Organization Address shows when a Directory Person is added to a Directory organization.

To add a person to an organization, click Add Organization. This shows the Organization Search dialog:

Organization search dialog with number 1 labeling the search criteria section, number 2 labeling the search button, and number 3 labeling the search results

In the dialog:

  1. Enter the search criteria for the organization you want to add.

  2. Click Search

  3. Click the organization link in the search results.

After clicking the organization in the search dialog, the organization shows in the Organization Address panel:

Organization Address panel with an address showing

After adding the organization, click Save on the Directory Person record to save the changes.

Other addresses

Besides organization addresses, other addresses can also be added to a Directory Person record. These addresses could represent a mailing address, physical address, or work address.

To add a personal address to a Directory Person, click Add Address in the Other Addresses panel.

Other Addresses panel showing with a new address added

Enter the information for the address, then click Save on the Directory Person record.