Advanced search

Click Refine to show value comparison controls for each parameter in your search.

The comparison type dropdown when refining a search
Comparison type Effect on column

not equals

Results do not equal this exact value.

starts with

Results start with this exact value.

ends with

Results end with this exact value.


Results have this exact value.

not contains

Results do not have this exact value.


Results "sound like" this value.


Results are in this value. See example.

not in

Results are not in this value. See example.


Results are blank.

not blank

Results are not blank.

(comparison type) + nulls

Include null values in the results along with your applied comparison type.

Example of in and not-in comparison types

The example shows selecting Adult Drug Court and Declined for lack of Investigation as the only Status field values to show in the search results.

When the comparison type is not in, all Status field values except for Adult Drug Court and Declined for lack of Investigation show in the search results.

Selecting 'in' comparison values
The in comparison type only works with multiselect dropdown values.