Top navigation

The Top Navigation bar shows at the top of the screen. It identifies the product and includes buttons for common actions.

The top navigation bar has the same appearance for all users, regardless of account permissions.

Left side

The left side of the top navigation bar should resemble the following screenshot:

Top navigation bar

Available actions and short descriptions:

Item Action

Click to show the Dashboard.

Print icon

Click to open a dialog to print the current page.

Bell Icon

Click to check your notifications.

Question Icon

Click to show help documentation.

Door Exit Icon

Click to log out.

Click to search all entities and resources.

Right side

The right side of the top navigation Bar includes links for recent case navigation.

  • Click the CaseId Folder icon to show the most recent Case you accessed:

    Top right recent cases folder icon
  • Click the down arrow to show more quick-access Case actions:

    Top right folder icon