Left navigation

Different security groups affect the existence of items in the left navigation pane. For more information, refer to User navigation.


Here is the complete left navigation section with all possible routes:

Left navigation panel


Left navigation Workspace navigation items
  • Recent Cases: Shows links to a few of your recent cases for quick access to the case view.

  • Saved Searches: Review, run or edit your saved searches. Refer to Saved search gadget for more information.

  • My Notebook: Manage your notes and Shared Notes.

    • Note Snippets / Macros: Manage text snippets for fast data entry or writing prompts.

Add case

Left navigation Add Case navigation items
  • Add Adult Case: Shows the Add Case screen. Refer to Create a case for more information.

Searches and reports

Left navigation Searches navigation items


Left navigation Cashier navigation items
  • Cash Receipts: Show the Cash receipts screen.

    • Open Till: Open a Till for the current user.

    • Close Till: Close the open Till for the current user.


Left navigation Accounting section
  • Tills: Search Tills and Till users.

    • Till Management: Search for and manage Tills.

    • Till Search: Search and view existing Tills.

    • Till Participant Search: Search for users with Tills.

  • Payables: Search Vouchers, Payables, and Checks.

    • Vouchers: Search Vouchers and Payables.

    • Checks: Search Vouchers or Search Checks.

    • Check Writing: Search for money available to write a check.

    • Check Re-Print: Reprint checks.

    • Search Printed Checks: Search printed checks.

  • Banking: Search and manage Deposits.

    • Create/Search Deposits: Create or Search for existing Deposits.

  • NSF Checks: Search for "not sufficient funds" checks.

  • Financial Reports: Show various SSRS financial reports.

Financial setup

Left navigation Financial Setup section
  • Assessment Engine: Search and manage General Ledger data.

    • Natural Accounts: Search for and create natural accounts.

    • Distributions: Search for and create distributions.

    • Distribution Groups: Search for and create distribution groups.

    • Assessments: Search for and Add Assessment Items.

    • Assessment Groups: Search for and add assessment groups.

    • Assess. Group Map: Manage assessment group mappings.

    • Chart of Accounts: Search for and add Case jurisdiction to natural account connections.

    • GL Account Segment: Add GL account segment items.

    • Reference Tables: Create financial reference tables.

  • Agency: Manage agency accounts.

  • Bank: Manage bank accounts.

  • Payment Methods:

    • Monetary Instrument: Manage monetary payment types, like cash, credit, debit.

    • Non-monetary: Manage non-monetary payment types.

  • Till Setup: Create Till groups, assign participants, add Till definitions, add Till stations.

  • Conversion:

    • Search Converted Invoices: Search staging invoices from a data conversion.

    • Search Historical Non-Case Payment: Search Non-Case payments from a data conversion.

    • Search Historical Vouchers: Search vouchers from a data conversion.

System administration

Left navigation System Administration section


Left navigation Tools section
  • Downloads: Download tools and Microsoft add-ins.

  • Print Test: Test the printing service.

Double arrow

Left navigation double left-arrow Hide action

Click to hide the Left navigation panel for more screen space.