File cabinet

This section describes the File Cabinet and its features. This includes the Case File Cabinet and the Person File Cabinet.

The File Cabinet can be accessed from a Case or Person view with the tabs under the view header:

File Cabinet Button

File cabinet dropdown options: case and person

File Cabinet Dropdown Actions Numbered Image
File Cabinet Dropdown Actions Person
  1. Add Case File(s) or Add Person File(s): Open the corresponding form to insert a new file.

  2. Generate Template: Open the generation form to select and generate a document from a template. Refer to Document generation for more information.

  3. Utilities: Expand to access Utilities.

  4. Bates Stamp: Bates stamp your document.

    File Cabinet Bates Stamp

    Select your stamp location and the documents to apply the stamp to, then click Stamp.

    Documents must be a PDF and have the Review Status set to Approved for Disclosure to show on the list.

    Once a document has received a Bates stamp, it cannot be stamped again.

  5. Merge Documents: Merge documents. You can merge unrelated doc types to result in a PDF.

    File Cabinet Merge Documents
  6. Document Viewer: View and edit a full preview of a selected file. Refer to Document viewer for more information.

  7. Status: Limit results to selected statuses.

  8. Received Date From/To: Limit results to date ranges.

Add file dropdown

The Case Add File and Person Add File forms are nearly identical. This section covers the Case Add File form controls. The same principles can be applied to the Person Add File form.

File Cabinet Case Add File Form
  1. Type: set the File Type. This is unrelated to the file extension, for example .pdf.

  2. Date Filed: set a filing date for the document. Select a date from the calendar dialog.

  3. Status: set the document status.

  4. Location: set a physical location or identifier for the document. This field only shows on the Case Add File form.

  5. Category: set a document category.

  6. Select File(s): By clicking Add Files, you can add one or more files to the case with the same attributes you are currently entering. To select multiple files, in the dialog File Selection window, use the Shift or Control keys while selecting rows. Press and hold Shift to select a contiguous range of files. Press and hold Control to select individual files.

  7. In the Note panel, Title: set a title for the Note. This field only shows on the Case Add File form.

  8. In the Note panel, Content: set the content for the Note. The Notes section on the Case Add File form can have style, sizing, and highlighting applied. The Notes section on the Person Add File form only supports a plain text Note.

File cabinet controls

File Cabinet Controls
  1. Folder: Add or delete a directory.

    File Cabinet Folder Dropdown
  2. File Name: The selected filename. If no file is selected, the case or person name shows here.

  3. Search: Filter the files based on search criteria.

  4. The List/Grid icon: Swap between List view and Grid view.

  5. The Disk down arrow icon: Download the selected documents. You can Control + Click to select more than one document.

  6. The Plus icon: Add a document to the file cabinet. A document selection dialog opens to allow you to select a document from your machine.

  7. The Trashcan icon: Delete the selected documents from the file cabinet.

  8. The Vertical Ellipses icon: Shows a dropdown with more file actions. Move a document to a new folder or update the document definition of this document type.

    File Cabinet Move Dropdown

    For more information, refer to Document definitions.

  9. Directory Structure: The directory structure shows the files and folders in this File Cabinet. The parenthesis indicates the number of files in the file cabinet.

Update or edit file

Files can be updated by clicking the thumbnail name (when in thumbnail view), then change the type, file, and filename.

Edit/Update File Location

File context menu

Right-click a document thumbnail to open a context menu. The context menu allows you to move, edit, delete, and view the document.

Edit/Update File Location