Search controls

All of the searches listed in this section use the same set of controls:

Bottom Search Controls Toolbar.
  1. Click Search to execute the search.

  2. Click Reset to reset all parameters and controls to default values.

  3. Click Refine to enable the Refine controls for all parameters.

  4. Click Output to Configure search output. This configuration controls how results are shown by ordering, hiding, and grouping fields.

  5. Select the results per page.

    Bottom Search Controls Results Dropdown.
  6. Select fields to configure Extra criteria that can narrow the search.

  7. Click the Disk Folder icon to load a previously saved search.

    Bottom Search Controls Load Saved Search.
  8. Click the Disk Down Arrow icon to save the search to your Saved search gadget.

    Bottom Search Controls Save Search.

Refine controls

Clicking Refine adds value comparison controls to each parameter in your search.

Refine Button Dropdown of Comparison Types
Comparison type Affect on column

not equals

Results do not equal this exact value.

starts with

Results start with this exact value.

ends with

Results end with this exact value.


Results have this exact value.

not contains

Results do not have this exact value.


Results 'sound like' this value.


Results are in this value. See example.

not in

Results are not in this value. See example.


Results are blank.

not blank

Results are not blank.

(Comparison Type) + nulls

Include null value results in addition to your applied comparison type.

Example of in and not-in comparison types

The in Comparison Type only works with multiselect dropdown values. This example shows how the results are limited to the selected status values of Adult Drug Court and Declined for lack of Investigation. No other Statuses are returned in this search.

Refine Button in Comparison Type example

Configure search output

Click Output to show the Result Columns dialog:

Output configuration dialog

You can configure the search result output with the following:

  1. The list of columns to hide from the search results.

  2. The list of columns to show in the search results.

  3. Click to move selected columns from Hide to Show.

  4. Click to move all columns from Hide to Show.

  5. Click to move selected columns from Show to Hide.

  6. Click to move all columns from Show to Hide.

  7. Click to move selected columns up one slot. Only works in the Show list.

  8. Click to move selected columns down one slot. Only works in the Show list.

  9. Use the Group By dropdown to select a result grouping based on one or more search parameters. The groupings and how they work differs between search types and involved parameters.

    Bottom Search Controls results dropdown

    Select the desired parameter to group your results by in the dropdown.

    Click the green + to add more groupings. When shown, click the red - to remove a grouping.

    Bottom Search Controls results dropdown

Example of Group By results with Case Name and Case Type dual groupings*:

If grouping is used and there are multiple results which fall under the same grouping, an expansion opens in the results to show all items in that group. This example shows that four cases were found which match the same Case Title and the same Case Type:

Bottom Search Controls Group By results dropdown

Extra criteria

Use the dropdown to select Case Id or Person Id, which adds the selected field to the search form.

The Additional Criteria dropdown only shows on the Search Case and Search Person/Business searches.

In the following example, the Person Id is selected in the dropdown on the Search Person/Business dialog. The selection add the Person Id field to the search form. The Person Id is set to 2.

Bottom Search Controls Extra Criteria Example

When the search executes, there is only one result because each Person Id is unique.