Payment plans

Payment plans allow the payor to make small payments towards the obligations over an extended period of time.

Accessing a payment plan

To add a payment plan, you must have an open till and use the Cash Receipts.

Only Financial users can navigate to the Cash Receipts screen. For more information about setting up a user as a Financial User, refer to User navigation.

There are two ways to show this screen:

  1. Navigate to Left navigation  Cashier  Cashier Receipts.

    Cash Receipts Navigation
  2. Access it using the current case. Click the Financials dropdown, then select Cash Receipts.

    Cash Receipts Case Navigation
If accessed using the Left navigation, the Case is not populated on the Cash Receipts screen. You need to search for the case you would like to work with. Refer to Cash receipts for more information on searching. If accessed using the current case, the Case row is populated in the Cash Receipts screen.

Adding a payment plan

On the Cash Receipts screen, if you have an unpaid obligations Case row available:

Click the vertical ellipses (three dots) to open the context menu, then select Pay Plan:

Add Pay Plan

The Add Pay Plan form shows:

Add Pay Plan
  1. Use the Party dropdown to select the paying party.

  2. Set the payment plan First Installment Date.

  3. Set the recurring Installment Amount.

  4. Select all obligations.

  5. Select a single obligation.

Click Create Pay Plan, then click Ok in the confirmation dialog.

The Payment Plan shows under the Case row on the Cash Receipts screen.

Added Pay Plan