Left navigation

Different Security Groups affect what the user sees in the left navigation pane. For more information, see User navigation.

Click a link for more information about the item.


Here is the complete left navigation section with all possible routes:

Left navigation all possible navigation actions


Left navigation Workspace section
  • Recent Cases - Links to a few of your recent cases for quick click-through to the case view.

  • Saved search gadget - Review, run or edit your saved searches.

  • My Notebook - Manage your notes and Shared Notes.

    • Note Snippets / Macros - Text Snippets for fast data entry or writing prompts.

Add case

Left navigation Add Case section
  • Add Adult Case - Go to the case creation screen. See Create a case.

Searches and reports

Left navigation Searches section


Left navigation Cashier section


Left navigation Accounting section
  • Tills:

    • Till Management - Search / manage Tills.

    • Till Search - Search and view existing Tills.

    • Till Participant Search - Search Users with Tills.

  • Payables:

    • Vouchers - Search Vouchers and Payables.

    • Checks - Search Vouchers / Search Checks.

    • Check Writing - Search for Money Available to write a Check.

    • Check RePrint - Reprint Checks.

    • Search Printed Checks - Search printed checks.

  • Banking:

    • Create / Search Deposits - Create or Search for existing Deposits.

  • NSF Checks - Search NSF Checks.

  • Financial Reports - Various SSRS Financial Reports.

Financial setup

Left navigation Financial Setup section
  • Assessment Engine:

    • Natural Accounts - Search / Create Natural Accounts.

    • Distributions - Search / Create Distributions.

    • Distribution Groups - Search / Create Distribution Groups.

    • Assessments - Search / Add Assessment Items.

    • Assessment Groups - Search / Add Assessment Groups.

    • Assessment Group Map - Manage Assessment Group Mappings.

    • Chart of Accounts - Search / Add Case Jurisdiction to Natural Account Connections.

    • GL Account Segment - Add GL Account Segment Items.

    • Reference Tables - Create financial reference tables.

  • Agency - Agency Accounts.

  • Bank - Manage Bank Accounts.

  • Payment Methods:

    • Monetary Instrument - Manage monetary payment types (Cash, Credit, Debit).

    • Non monetary - Manage non monetary payment types.

  • Till Setup - Create Till Groups, Assign Participants, Add Till Definitions, Add Till Stations.

  • Conversion:

    • Search Converted Invoices - Search Staging Invoices from the data conversion.

    • Search Historical NonCase Payment - Search NonCase Payments from the data conversion.

    • Search Historical Vouchers - Search Vouchers from the data conversion.

System administration

Left navigation System Administration section


Left navigation Tools section
  • Downloads - Download tools and Add-Ins.

  • Print test - Test the printing service.

Double arrow

Left navigation double left-arrow Hide action

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