Person navigation

Like the Case View, the Person View shows a header and a body. Use this screen to show and change all Person information, including involvements, contact information, and documents.

The Person Header shows an image of the person, if available, plus their name, date of birth, gender, weight, ethnicity, and hair color.

Person header


Click Summary to show the Person Folder View. The form shows all information associated to the selected Person, including links to edit the information. Refer to Person for more information.

Person summary folder view

Update person

Click and change fields then click the Save button to update person information.

Update person form

Update address

Click and change fields then click the Save button to update address information.

Update address form

Update telephone

Click and change fields then click the Save button to update telephone information.

Update address form

Update contact

Click and change fields then click the Save button to update contact information:

Update contact form
Summary dropdown
  • Select Update Person to manage information, including name, date of birth, appearance, and a Header photo.

    Update person form
  • Select Add Address to add an address for the Person.

    Add address to person form
  • Select Add E-mail to add an email address for the Person.

    add contact form
  • Select Add Telephone to add a telephone number for the Person.

    Add telephone form
  • Select Add Identification to add identifying documents for the Person.

    Add identification form
  • Select Add Person Attribute to add descriptive attributes for the Person.

    Add person attribute form
  • Select Add Note to add a note to the Person.

    Add person note form
  • Select Search involvements to find all involvements for a Person by involvement type or date of involvement.

    search involvements form
  • Select Person Merge (beta) to Merge person records.

File cabinet:

Click File Cabinet to show the File Cabinet Folder View. For more information, refer to Filing cabinet.

file cabinet dropdown
  • Select Add Person File(s) to add files to the Person.

    search involvements form


The Relationship Folder View shows all relationships of the selected person and allows for quick editing by clicking a relationship. Refer to Relationships for more information.

person relationship folder view
add person relationship dropdown
  • Select Add Person Relationship to add a relationship for the Person.

    add person relationship form