Interest calculator

The interest calculator is a gadget you can add to your dashboard if you calculate interest a lot. The interest calculator widget can be added to you dashboard by clicking the gear icon at the top of the dashboard, then selecting the + button next to the Interest Calculator. After adding the gadget and clicking the Close Settings button, the interest calculator gadget shows on your dashboard.

Interest calculator gadget with example values filled out.

Field descriptions

  • Starting Amount (PV): PV stands for "Present Value" and is the starting amount you would like to use in your calculation.

  • Annual Interest Rate: The interest rate over a year that is applied to the Starting Amount.

  • Number of Days: This is how many days the interest accrues for.

  • Start Date: The date that interest starts accruing.

  • End Date: The date the interest stops accruing, or the date you want the interest calculation to stop.

  • Days In Year: Select the number of days in a year that the interest rate is based on. Valid values are 360, 364, 365.

  • Interest Earned: This is the amount of interest that is earned given the values you provided.

  • Future Value: This is the sum of the Starting Amount and the Interest Earned, and shows you the value of the money after earning interest over the time frame.