Investigation requests

Add an investigation request

  1. Creating an investigative request can be done through the Investigation folder view by clicking the Investigation dropdown arrow and then Add Investigation Request:

    Investigation dropdown
  2. Click the Request Details text box and add details:

    Add Investigative Request
  3. Click the date icon and choose the date.

  4. In the Task pane, select the type of task from the drop down arrow.

  5. In the Task pane, add a note.

Unassigned investigation requests

  1. When an investigation request (caseResearchRecord) is added to the case:

    • eAttorney sets the status to Pending.

    • A work queue assignment called Unassigned Investigation Requests is created.

    The assignment shows in the queue for anyone with the Investigator Supervisor workflow role:

    Add workflow role
  2. Click the work queue to view the list of unassigned investigation requests:

    Unassigned Investigation Requests Queue
  3. Assigns the Investigation request by clicking the red Unassigned under the Assigned column:

    Unassigned link
  4. Click + to navigate into a directory search where you can choose the request assignee:

    + button to click when adding an assignment
    Search and select the Directory person to assign
  5. The chosen assignee is listed in red under the Assigned column. The action of assigning the request closes out the workflow. This work queue drops off the queue on screen refresh:

    view the assigned person
  6. You can cancel the investigation request by clicking the results and choosing Cancel from the drop down:

  7. This action also closes out the workflow and the work queue drops off the queue on refresh:

    Cancel result
    The workflow is also closed out when the status is manually changed to Completed or Canceled inside the Update Investigation Request form.
    Set status to complete

Assigned investigation requests

  1. Once an assignee is set on an Investigation Request, a work queue called Investigation Requests is assigned to the request assignee:

    The Investigative Requests queue
  2. Clicks the work queue to view the list of unassigned investigation requests.

    Investigative Request Tasks
  3. When the request is complete, click the results and select Complete in the dropdown:

    The results link
    Selecting Complete in the Results dropdown

    This changes the status of the request to completed and closes out the workflow. The work queue drops off the queue on refresh.

  4. You can reassign the request by clicking your username in the Assigned column.

    A username link in the Assigned column
  5. Click + to navigate into a directory search where you can choose the new request assignee:

    The + button
    Search and select the Directory person to assign
  6. You can cancel the investigation request by clicking in the results:


    Then choose “Cancel” from the drop down.

    Cancel result

    This action also closes out the workflow and the work queue drop offs the queue on refresh.

    The workflow is also closed out then the status is manually changed to Completed or Canceled inside the Update Investigation Request form:
    Set status to complete