
Navigate to the statute search screen by clicking the Statutes link in the System Administration menu in the left navigation pane:

System Administration menu with an arrow pointing to the Statutes link

After navigating to the statutes search screen, you can search for, edit, and add new statutes:

Add statute configuration screen
  1. Enter the search criteria for a statute you want to search for.

  2. Click the search button.

  3. Search results are shown in the bottom section. Click the Section No. link on one of the search results to edit it.

  4. Click the New Statute button to create a new statute.

Search results

Statutes include these main parts listed in statute search results, plus other information:

  • Section Number.

  • Section Name.

  • Short Name.

  • Code.

  • Category.

  • Classification.

Adding and editing a statute

Add a new statute by clicking New Statute in the Statute Search screen.

Edit an existing statute by clicking the Statute No. link in the search results of the Statute Search screen.

The following options are available when adding or editing a statute:

Add statute configuration screen

Among these options, Config Code, Section Number, and Status are required, while Config Code must also be unique. Most of these fields are text fields, with the following exceptions:

Lookup lists

Dropdown options for some fields are configured to show values from the following Lookup Lists:

Statute Field

Lookup List Name







Report Category




Collection fields

The Statute Reporting Categories panel, Keywords panel, and Fines, Bails, and Sentencing Guidelines panel are shown on the New Statute screen

Collection fields available on a statute consist of the following entity types and are configured in the following panes on the Add Statute screen:

  • Statute Reporting Categories.

    • Jurisdiction (Lookup List: JURISDICTIONS).

    • Type (Required).

    • Category (Lookup List: STATUTE_CATEGORY).

    • Value (Required).

  • Keywords:

    Add Keywords Panel in the New Statute screen

  • Fines, Bails, and Sentencing Guidelines:


For information on adding statute texts, see Statute text.