Managing special statuses

Manage Special Statuses is used to configure whether a case or person special status is displayed before the person or case header. In addition, the background color for the case or person special status can also be configured from this screen. There are also links to the corresponding lookup lists at the top.

Full screen:

Manage Special Status numbered graphic.

Case Special Status section:

Manage Special Status Cases section numbered graphic.

Person Special Status Section:

Manage Special Status Person section numbered graphic.
  1. Link to open the CASE_SPECIAL_STATUS_TYPE lookup list in a new tab.

  2. Link to open the PERSON_SPECIAL_STATUS list in a new tab.

  3. Case Special Status configuration.

  4. Person Special Status configuration.

  5. When checked, the attribute is shown before the case header:

    Case Special Status before case header.
  6. Background color of the status on the case page.

  7. When checked, person special status is shown before the person header.

    Person Special Status before person header.
  8. When checked, person special status is shown before the case header, if anyone involved on the case has that status:

    Person Special Status before case header.
    Person and Case Special Status before case header.
  9. Background color of the status on the person and case header.