Person merge or split

Person merge

  1. To start a person merge, go to the person summary view by clicking the Open Person View icon:

    Person Merge/Split
  2. Click the Summary, hover over Utilities, hover over Person Merge, then select Merge/Split:

    Person Merge/Split
  3. In the Person Summary View, click Search Person Organization:

    Person Merge/Split
  4. In the Search Person/Business screen, you can search on First Name/Business Name, Last Name, Identification Number, Date of Birth, and Person Type. Enter your search criteria, then click Search:

    Person Merge/Split
  5. In the Results, select the person you want to merge:

    Person Merge/Split
  6. After executing the search, three results show which include your original person, the person to merge with, and the merged result:

    Person Merge/Split
  7. To finish your merge, you need to select which subentities you want to omit for your merged result. Select to omit the subentity from the original person or select to omit the subentity from the person to merge with:

    Person Merge/Split
  8. After you finish selecting the subentities you want to keep, click Preview Changes at the bottom of your screen:

    Person Merge/Split
  9. Review your changes from the Preview Changes screen. Click Save to save the changes, or Close to edit the changes:

    Person Merge/Split
  10. Click Cancel or Save on your Person Merge:

    Person Merge/Split

Person split

  1. To start a person split, go to the person summary view by clicking the Open Person View icon:

    Person Merge/Split
  2. Click the Summary dropdown, hover over Utilities, hover over Person Merge, then select Merge/Split:

    Person Merge/Split
  3. Click Switch To Split to the right of your screen:

    Person Merge/Split
  4. You can choose to copy all information over, or copy items individually with the arrow buttons. When you are finished copying the desired information, click Preview Changes at the bottom of the screen:

    Person Merge/Split
  5. Preview your changes then click Save:

    Person Merge/Split