User accounts

To access the User Accounts screen, navigate to Left navigation  System Setup  Security, then click the Users tab.

Arrow pointing to Security link in System Setup section.

Create a new user

On the Users page, click New User at the bottom of the page. The Create New User page shows.

Fill in the information for the user:

  • Username: The username used by the new user to login to eAttorney.

  • Real Name: The real name of the person using the system.

  • Directory Person: This user account can be linked to a Directory Person by searching for the Directory Person in this field. If the user account is associated with a Directory Person, the system populates the Real Name field.

  • Email: This is the user email address. When the new account is created, an account creation email is sent to this email address so the user can finish setting up their account. Password reset requests are also sent to this email.

  • Security Group: Permissions can be given to the user according to the Security Group they are assigned to.

An asterisk indicates a required field.

Manage user accounts

As an administrator, you can delete user accounts, reset passwords, and updating user permissions.

Delete user accounts

  1. Navigate to Left navigation pane  System Setup  Security  Users.

  2. Search for the user account you want to delete.

  3. Click the username of the user.

  4. On the User Account Settings page, click Delete at the bottom of the form.

  5. You are prompted to confirm that you want to delete the user. Click OK to delete the account.

Reset passwords

  1. Navigate to Left navigation pane  System Setup  Security  Users.

  2. Search for the user account whose password must be reset.

  3. Click the username of the user.

  4. On the User Account Settings page, click Reset on the Password field.

  5. You are prompted to confirm that you want to reset the user password. Click OK to reset the password. An email is sent to the user email address with a link to reset their password.

Update user permissions

  1. Navigate to Left navigation pane  System Setup  Security  Users.

  2. Search for the user account you want to update.

  3. Click the username of the user.

  4. On the User Account Settings page, change the Security Group of the user. A description of the permissions available to each security group can be found here.

  5. Click Save at the bottom of the form.

Workflow roles

It may be required to set the Workflow Roles for some users. If a user is working with Financials, then they likely need to be assigned the Financial General Workflow Role or Financial Admin Role, if they should administer financials or not.

The Financial Workflow Roles grant access to workflows such as approving refund requests.

To set the Workflow Roles:

  1. Navigate to Left navigation pane  System Setup  Security  Users.

  2. Search for the user account you want to update.

  3. Click the username of the user.

  4. On the User Account Settings page, click the Profile/Workflow Options tab.

  5. Fill in the Workflow Roles field, then click Save.

A user security settings page with the Profile/Workflow Options tab selected and arrows point to the tab and the Workflow Roles field