News gadget configuration

The News Gadget shows a message from administrators on users dashboards. To learn how users can add the gadget to their dashboards, see News gadget.

How to change the news gadget content

  1. Go to Left navigation pane  System Administration  News Gadget.

    News Gadget link on left hand navigation
  2. This opens the "Search Static Resources" form. Click the "Add New Resource" button.

    Static Resource page for news gadget configuration
  3. Give the resource a title, and enter SYSMSG as the code. Leave the type as HTML.

    News gadget configuration
  4. In the text box, enter the message you want to display on users dashboard news gadget. This is a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor, with a tool bar that allows for formatting items, inserting tables or links. You can also click Source Code, circled in red, to edit the HTML directly. This needs to be done if adding an image. See Add images to news gadget.

    News gadget configuration
  5. Click Save at the bottom to save the changes.

Add images as a static resource

  1. Go to Left navigation pane  System Administration  News Gadget.

    News Gadget link on left hand navigation

  2. This opens the Search Static Resources form. Click Add New Resource.

    Static Resource page for news gadget configuration
  3. Fill in the upper part of the form:

    • Title: Give your image a title.

    • Code: Type a unique code for your image in ALL CAPS and with no spaces.

    • Type: Change to be File.

    News gadget configuration
  4. Click Choose File to select the image to select the image.

  5. Click Save at the bottom to save the changes.

  6. Click Back to Static Resources. The image is now added as a static resource.

Add images to news gadget

  1. Go to Left navigation pane  System Administration  News Gadget.

    News Gadget link on left hand navigation
  2. This opens the "Search Static Resources" form. Hover over or click the open link icon on the right of the image name to open the image.

    Button to click:

    Static Resource page for news gadget configuration with image resource

    Hover over button, showing URL at the bottom:

    Static Resource page for news gadget configuration with image resource 2
  3. Note the id of the resource. In this example URL cms/content?dispatch=onViewResource&, the id is 2.

  4. If a News Gadget needs to be created, add one. See How to change the news gadget content. Otherwise, ensure you are on the "Search Static Resources" form, and click a News Gadget.

  5. In the text editor, click Source Code in the tool bar.

  6. Add the following line where you want the image to show:

    <p><img src="cms/content?dispatch=onViewResource&" /></p>
  7. Replacing the id (value 2 in the example) with the id noted in step 3.

  8. Repeat this process for each image you want to add. You can also add other HTML tags to add formatting, such as style, width, height.

  9. Click Save to save changes and close the source code editor.

  10. Click Save to save the gadget.

    Static Resource page for news gadget configuration with image resource 3